Frequently Asked Questions
Once CMMC 2.0 is fully implemented, the DoD will have access to information and data relating to a company’s assessment, to include the assessment results and final report. The DoD will store all self-assessment results on SPRS. CMMC certificates and the associated third-party assessment data will be stored in the CMMC Enterprise Mission Assurance Support
If contractors and subcontractors are handling the same type of FCI and CUI, then the same CMMC level will apply. In cases where the prime only flows down select information, a lower CMMC level may apply to the subcontractor.
DoD’s intent under CMMC 2.0 is that if a DIB company does not process, store, or transmit Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) on its unclassified network, but does process, store or handle Federal Contract Information (FCI), then it must perform a CMMC Level 1 self-assessment and submit the results with an annual affirmation by a senior
CMMC only applies to DIB contractor’s unclassified networks that process, store or transmit FCI or CUI.
Once CMMC 2.0 is fully implemented, DoD will only accept CMMC assessments provided by an authorized and accredited C3PAO or certified CMMC Assessor, and C3PAOs shall use only certified CMMC assessors for the conduct of CMMC assessments.
The publication of materials relating to CMMC 2.0 reflect the Department’s strategic intent with respect to the CMMC program; however, CMMC 2.0 will not be a contractual requirement until the Department completes rulemaking to implement the program. The rulemaking process and timelines can take 9-24 months. CMMC 2.0 will become a contract requirement once rulemaking
Under CMMC 2.0, the “Advanced” level (Level 2) will be equivalent to the NIST SP 800-171. The “Expert” level (Level 3), which is currently under development, will be based on a subset of NIST SP 800-172 requirements.
The interim DFARS rule established a five-year phase-in period, during which CMMC compliance is only required in select pilot contracts, as approved by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S)). The Department does not intend to approve inclusion of a CMMC requirement in any contract prior to completion.
The Department will publish a comprehensive cost analysis associated with each level of CMMC 2.0 as part of rulemaking. Costs are projected to be significantly lower relative to CMMC 1.0 because the Department intends to (a) streamline requirements at all levels, eliminating CMMC-unique practices and maturity processes, (b) allow companies associated with the new Level
CMMC Assessment FAQs
The Department values feedback from industry, Congress, and other stakeholders and received over 850 public comments in response to the interim rule establishing CMMC 1.0. These comments focused on the need to enhance CMMC by (1) reducing costs, particularly for small businesses; (2) increasing trust in the CMMC assessment ecosystem; and (3) clarifying and aligning protective systems.
A CMMC self-assessment will apply to those companies that are only required to protect the information systems on which FCI is processed, stored or transmitted; and a subset of companies that are required to protect CUI. The CMMC self-assessment should be completed using the CMMC Assessment Guide codified in 32 CFR.
The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program enhances cyber protection standards for companies in the DIB. It is designed to protect sensitive unclassified information that is shared by the Department with its contractors and subcontractors. The program provides the DoD with increased assurance that contractors and subcontractors are meeting the cybersecurity requirements for nonfederal systems processing controlled unclassified information.
Once CMMC 2.0 is implemented, DoD will specify the required CMMC level in the solicitation and in any Requests for Information (RFIs), if utilized.
The CMMC assessment costs will depend upon several factors including the CMMC level, complexity of the DIB company’s unclassified network for the certification boundary, and market forces. DoD will develop a new cost estimate associated with CMMC 2.0 to account for the changes made to the program which will be published on the Federal Register
Once CMMC 2.0 is implemented, self-assessments, associated with Level 1 and a subset of Level 2 programs, will be required on an annual basis. Third-party and government-led assessments, associated with some Level 2 and all Level 3 programs, will be required on a triennial basis.
SMPL-C Product FAQs
SMPL-C allows users to build to their desired state of CMMC 2.0 certification.
Additionally, since the data is available in the cloud, next year’s self or audit based assessment is a simple matter of copying a completed and certified assessment, and updating what’s changed.
SMPL-C will work with industry SMEs and the Office of the US DoD to ensure regulations are up-to-date and simplified for all users.
SMPL-C uses AI and NLP based algorithms to analyze your responses and provide a probability of passing certification. This probability rolls up to the section level as well, providing an intuitive understanding of where to focus your remediation efforts.
Ultimately it’s beneficial to do a thorough ‘Gap Assessment’.